| NYsKOOLThe first globally distributed hybrid school
We plan on becoming the first globally distributed school to offer children an international experience, whilst capitalising on global teaching talent and providing families with freedom of movement.
Who is NYsKOOL for? An International Experience From Day One One of the most important skills that was continually reinforced during the pandemic was the need for collaboration within a globally distributed team. Most large companies have their teams in different parts of the world and must therefore learn to collaborate remotely, whilst acknowledging different cultures and business styles. Despite this concept existing in the business world, there are currently no schools that teach these principles. At NYsKOOL your child will have an international education experience from day one. With the simultaneous launch of six hubs, growing to at least 100 hubs globally, children will be working on projects with their local classmates as well as connecting with others around the world. This way of learning allows students to make new international friendships. If a family decides to move to a new city or country their children will already have friends, making it easier to adapt to a new lifestyle. In fact, even before relocating a child at NYsKOOL is able to start participating in projects and activities online at their next Learning Hub. Within our NYsKOOL system, children will explore other cultures, learn how to
use remote collaboration tools and gain a truly global education experience that
will allow them to be ready and confident about their future. Do you want to enroll your child? CONTACT US Lauren Email: lauren@nyskool.org