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Study in the United Kingdom

I am pleased to introduce our latest courses and services at Shetland College. We aim to improve our courses and every year and this year I am pleased to introduce the first ever degree courses for Shetland College students. You will find details in the sections on Business and Management Studies and Cultural Studies.

I am pleased that Shetland College has played its part in the creation of the new UHI Millennium Institute. I am proud of the achievement of all the partners working together across the Highlands and Islands to create the country's newest institution of Higher Education. I am pleased that we can now begin to realise the benefits of this achievement in Shetland.

So you will also find details of all our Higher Education courses in the UHI prospectus including the diploma course in Contemporary Textile Design and Related Craft in which Shetland College is the lead college.

In this prospectus you will find details of all our courses, Higher Education, Further Education and training courses, at Shetland College and in local learning centres across Shetland.

We aim to develop a better education service for more people in Shetland and I am pleased that over this past year our full-time and part-time courses attracted 17% more students and more than 1, 600 people in Shetland trained on our short training courses. I hope we can help you achieve your aims.


Maggie Marr

Shetland College

Gremista Industrial Estate


 ZE1 0PX

Tel: 01595 771000 /771503

Fax: 01595 694 830




Maggie Marr

Shetland College

Gremista Industrial Estate


 ZE1 0PX

Tel: 01595 771000 /771503

Fax: 01595 694 830

