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ESRC Centre for Genomics in Society

Studying the meaning and social implications of contemporary genomic science.

Who we are

Egenis is the ESRC Centre for Genomics in Society: an ESRC funded centre for the study of the meaning and social implications of contemporary genomic science.

We are a broad interdisiciplinary group of researchers, based at the University of Exeter in the United Kingdom, under the directorship of Professor John Dupre

Egenis is part of the ESRC Genomics Network, which also includes Innogen (ESRC Centre for Social and Economic Research on Innovation in Genomics, based in the University of Edinburgh) and Cesagen (ESRC Centre for Economic and Social Aspects of Genomics, based in the Universities of Cardiff and Lancaster).

Our Mission

Mission statement in full...

Every application of genomics, from GM crops to human cloning, raises novel but highly contentious societal issues, and Egenis will carry out core research in the field.

We will comment on new genetic technologies and issues such as who owns genetic information, and genetic modification.

We will aim to become the pre-eminent locale for the development and dissemination of social scientific understanding of the nature and implications of genomic technoscience, and for the training of researchers in this area.

Our Approach

The particularly distinctive feature of Egenis is its emphasis on very fundamental issues in the interpretation of genomics. In the words of Director Professor John Dupr?

?Our aims include understanding what the whole language of the subject means, as well as exploring the slippages in meaning as the key terms from genomic science diffuse into other areas of expertise (for example legal) and the general public. Then we wish to apply that understanding to more specific issues such as the impact of genomics on specific crucial areas of human activity such as medicine, the food chain and the environment.?

(Quoted in Social Sciences, newsletter of the ESRC).

Genomics MSc programme 'Genomics and Society' - Egenis is offering a taught postgraduate degree, MSc in Genomics and Society. Funding may be available for this course which could lead on to a PhD in the field.

About the University of Exeter

Top Ten for Employability

Chemistry student at work in the laboratoryExeter graduates continue to be highly successful in obtaining top quality graduate employment. A survey published in the Times, showed Exeter as ninth in a league table for graduate recruitment by Britain's top 200 employers. These are companies like Proctor and Gamble, HSBC, Esso and Boots. The University offers a careers advice service which runs a comprehensive programme of events, including guidance interviews, employer presentations, skills events, practice job interviews with employers and guidance on preparing your CV and making applications. So when you return to your home country you will be equipped with the knowledge, skills and confidence to apply for any employment.

We also work with employers in the region to give students work experience, both during their study and after graduation as part of our Student Business Projects scheme.

Quality of Teaching

Tutor group in discussionExeter has an excellent reputation for its teaching and research and we are are committed to maintaining our high standards. The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) reviews individual subjects on an on going basis . Under these reviews, fifteen schools at Exeter University have scored an "excellent" (22+points) rating.

We also aim for students to have as much choice as possible in their studies. This could involve taking modules outside your own main subject area, or studying for up to one year in a University in Europe.

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University of Exeter

Contacting Egenis:

Egenis Office,

Byrne House,

St German's Road,




How to find us Email: Telephone External Callers: +44 (0)1392 269140

Telephone Internal Callers: 5140

Fax:+44 (0)1392 264676