St Aidan's Anglican Girls School Senior School (Year 7-12)St Aidan's is a Prep to Year 12 Anglican day school for girls, with a co-educational Kindergarten. Located in Corinda, with a population of approximately 800 students, reflecting our belief that students experience many benefits in a smaller school.
Senior School (Year 7-12)
St Aidan’s Anglican Girls’ School aims to produce confident and able young women who approach their studies, their sport and cultural pursuits with conviction and a sense of purpose.
The Senior School is an exciting, embracing community of learners. When students join the Senior School they immediately become part of the family – the atmosphere contributes to all girls feeling connected, to one another and to the School. Parents are valued participants in the School’s operation – contributing in many ways to the success of our programs, and working together with the School in addressing the issues and challenges that sometimes face our students on their journey through adolescence.
From these early days, the understanding is that our students will take responsibility for their actions and learning. The strong network of professionals – experienced, dynamic teachers, qualified and caring Year Coordinators and Student Counsellor together with a strong Pastoral Care Team – addresses the needs of the students at each year level.
The values and tradition of the Sisters of the Society of the Sacred Advent permeate life in the Senior School. Students have many opportunities to engage in Community Service and contribute their time and talents for the benefit of others – whether it is in the local area or as far away as Vietnam, as part of the Antipodean’s Challenge. Senior School students participate in the active Interact Club, as well as Global Shield. Studies in Religious and Values Education at each year level contribute to the development and growth in our students’ spirituality.
The curricula, co-curricula and extra-curricula programs of the Senior School ensure that the students actively engage in their learning, setting their goals and striving to achieve them. Through the Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) program, our girls develop self and social awareness, which contributes to sensible, informed decision making and positive problem solving.
The aim of all endeavours at St Aidan’s Senior School is to assist students realise their potential and exit the School feeling successful and happy, with the confidence to face the future with hope and optimism.
11 Ruthven Street